Monday, March 9, 2009

Spring is here!

We have enjoyed these past few days of gorgeous weather. Spring is my favorite time of the year. However, it is always busy!! Softball started up this past weekend. This is Taylor's first year in the older league. She is now in the 10 and under league. I am anxious to see how she does. Taylor loves playing softball this is just a big adjustment. I think it is a lot more competitive than we have been use to.

Also, Taylor got her glasses this past weekend. She has trouble seeing far away. When she put her glasses on for the first time she was amazed at all the thing she could see. I don't think she realized how bad her eyes were until she could see. I think they look cute on her!

Finally, today we enjoyed this beautiful 80 degree day by having a picnic in the park. Taylor had the day out of school (teacher workday) so after the girls got out of preschool...we got lunch and went to the park. I think lots of other parents had the same idea because it was crowded! We had a wonderful time and that made for a great afternoon nap!