Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Merry "late" Christmas

I have been told that I seriously need to start updating my blog... That should be my New Years resolution to post more often..In my defense, my computer has been messed up and Jon was in the process of fixing it while he was on vacation.

We had a wonderful Christmas here at the Collins house! Very hectic, but a great 24 hours of spending quality time with friends and family. Just to give you an example of our busy day...We start Christmas Eve with Jon's Dad and his(extended)family coming over. We all eat a yummy dinner and exchange gifts. This starts around 6:00pm and lasts until around 11:00pm. This year Taylor had a hard time going to sleep..she tossed and turned until 3:30am!! It may have been all the sweets she ate prior to going to bed OR the fact she was soooo excited about the Nintendo Wii she was asking for. Whatever the case it made for a LONG night!

Christmas Morning we WAKE the kids up around 7:00am (usually Zak and Alison spend the night with us...this year Alison had to work so sadly we were on our own) We celebrate here with our Santa gifts and Jon and I give the kids our gifts to them. My parents come over around 9:00am to see what the kids got. They play with the kids while Jon and I get a quick shower. Then out the door...we are at Jon's moms house by 10:30am for breakfast and more gifts!!! We pack up there and are at his grandmother's house by 1:30pm for a delicious lunch..and you guessed it...more presents! At this point we must come home and unload the car,let the dogs out and if we are lucky the kids get a hour nap in the car.
Finally, we get to my parents house around 4:00pm. Eat again!! Relax!! Open more presents...and this year Jon got the Guitar hero, so we spent the evening playing the guitar. We make it home around 10:00pm. So tired, we unload the car and head straight for bed. Again, it is one hectic day but we have no complaints and would not do it any other way. We are blessed to have such great families to spend our holidays with./>