Monday, January 19, 2009

Extreme Makeover!

Let me start by saying overall I keep my house really clean...well maybe not "clean" but it is always straight. I don't like clutter and I need organization. With that being said there are two rooms I NEVER tackle. The first is Taylor's room. She is responsible for cleaning it. I feel like she is 9 years old and mature enough to keep it clean. However, Taylor did not get the same "clean gene" I have. She can go weeks without cleaning her room/closet. To the point we can't walk in her room without fear of tripping on something. This week she told Jon and I she wants to "redo" her room. New furniture, new paint, new bedspread. She wants it more "grown up". Jon told her he would consider it, but she needed to clean her room and prove to us that she would keep it clean and appreciate the new stuff. This weekend Taylor and I cleaned her room!!! We cleaned out her closet, her drawers and even under the bed! My daughter is the BIGGEST pack rat ever! But we finished, and much to our surprise her room actually looks decent when it is clean. Of course now the question is if she can keep it that way and prove to us she deserves new furniture... etc???

Next we moved to the playroom...that was an even bigger mess. I am embarrassed to post "before" pictures...but I will only because I am proud of my hard work! Our playroom is one of those rooms...we all just throw stuff in and shut the door. I am guilty myself...I see a toy in my living room...I just throw it in the playroom to get it out of sight. Now, after Christmas it is officially out of control!!! It took us hours....and about 10 bags to Goodwill...but we are done. The girls promised me they will keep it clean now that they can actually sit in there and play.