Saturday the girls had their "Princess party" They invited some neighborhood friends and some kids from their class. The weather was perfect for an outdoor party. We made princess crowns, painted fingernails and put on lip gloss. Very "girly" activities for two very "girly" girls.
Also... I wanted to post this video...I found it on another blogger friends page and I LOVED IT. Jon had just told me last week to listen to this song. (which is funny because he does not typically like country music) When Jon is traveling he said he has to turn the station when this song comes on. We get caught up in the day to day activities and sometimes forget to stop and cherish the moments.....They grow up so fast!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Princess Party
Posted by Jennifer 1 comments
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Happy Birthday
Happy 4th Birthday Madison and Ashley
We love you!!!
The girls had a fun filled birthday. We stayed busy and on the go all day long. First we went to Chuck E Cheese...Madison and Ashley loved playing the games but even 4 year olds are still scared of Chuck E. Looking back at the pictures he is kind of scary looking. Especially Ashley she would not even look at him unless Madison went too.
We went to the traditional East Blvd. Bar and Grill for dinner. Yes, I know it is sad when four year olds choice of dinner is at a BAR!! In their defense, it has been a favorite of mine as far back as I can remember. This place has the best "circle fries" I have ever had. Also, they give us the whole upstairs by ourselves...since we are regulars. A wonderful end to a wonderful day!
Posted by Jennifer 0 comments
Monday, April 13, 2009
Happy Easter
On Sunday we got together with family to celebrate Easter and 5 birthdays! We had a wonderful lunch and then birthday cake. The birthday celebration was for: Granny, Zak, Lynn, Ashley and Madison! We decided we would all be together on Easter so we would just have one big party. Here are some pictures. I hope you enjoy!
No family function of ours would be complete without the debate of which team is better....DUKE vs. CAROLINA
Posted by Jennifer 0 comments
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Happy 3rd Birthay Peyton!!
Today we went to celebrate Peyton's 3rd birthday. We had a wonderful time and the weather was great for an outdoor party.
Posted by Jennifer 0 comments
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Let the birthday parties begin!!!
April is here! This is the busiest month for us because of all the April birthdays in our family. We have a total of 8 close friends and family with a birthday in the next 2 weeks!!! This weekend I am sure it will seem like all I am blogging about is birthday parties. But they are all so special and so I want to acknowledge all of them and take lots of pictures.
Today I took cupcakes to the girls school to celebrate their birthday. They are out of school all next week (which is their actual birthday) for Spring Break! They chose Little Mermaid cupcakes to take. Believe it or not they both agreed on that without fighting. The class sang "Happy Birthday" as they all enjoyed the yummy cupcakes.
Oh yeah...and Happy Birthday Nana!!! Today is her actual birthday but we will be celebrating it on Sunday!
Posted by Jennifer 0 comments
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Busy Spring Weekend!
Saturday was a busy day for us. We had a neighborhood Easter egg hunt in the morning and Taylor had her first softball game of the season in the afternoon. The girls had fun finding Easter eggs...they are starting to get good at this with all the practice. Taylor brought her friend Gabby and they also had a "grown kids" egg hunt. The Easter Bunny was there, so Madison and Ashley got to sit on his lap. **You can notice in the pictures, I have been working with Ashley's hair and this is the best I can do...I spent hours finding the best "fix" for this haircut she now has. This is with several bobby pins holding down the top and LOTS of hair spray. I decided against cutting Madison's hair to match....It would be a good punishment but I don't want to have to put this much time into fixing both of their hair in the mornings. However, she is rubbing in Ashley's face that her hair "does not look good."** (If you click on the picture, you can see a closer view)
Taylor had a great game. She looked like an excellent ball player out there Saturday afternoon. I think I mentioned before this is a older league. Now the girls pitch to each other. This makes it a lot harder to hit the ball. But Taylor did good! She had her own cheering squad full of Grandparents. Go Hornets!!! (That is her team name)
Posted by Jennifer 0 comments
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Happy Easter/ haircuts
WOW! What an eventful day. I planned on writing this blog about how we had such a great day. The girls had their school Easter party and we had so much fun! However, tonight was a different story as Madison decided to cut Ashley's hair!!!!!
Let me start with the party.............The party began with an indoor Easter egg hunt. It was suppose to be outside but due to the weather they moved it into the Church basement. The class went crazy as we unleashed them at finding eggs. It was fun watching them run around and collect as many as possible. After that they had lunch and then performed an "Easter Hop" for us parents. They put on Easter bunny faces and hopped around to "Here comes Peter Cotton Tail...."
Ok so on to the haircut. This afternoon we ran some errands and Ashley ended up getting gum in the back of her hair at a store.(still not quite sure how that happened either) I think there was gum in the buggy and she managed to get her hair in it. It was not really a big deal...just a little gum on the end. So on our way home I said.. "don't worry about it I will just cut it out with scissors when we get home!" BIG mistake on my part!! Before I got a chance to get to it...Madison decided to take care of it herself and CUT ASHLEY'S HAIR!!!! She left the gum in the back but cut the front part!!! Afterward, they hid the hair and scissors in their room. Taylor and I happen to walk by and notice that Ashley's hair looked funny! Finally, they told us the story and handed over the evidence!! I tell myself it is just hair and it will grow back....but until then.....
Posted by Jennifer 2 comments
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Chicky, Chicky
Today at school the girls made "chicky" masks. I think they are precious! Madison and Ashley had fun running around the backyard playing "chicky"
Then Taylor wanted to join in the game.....
AND Finally....Roxie was included in the "chicky" game
**check back tomorrow...They are having their Easter party at school and I promise to get lots of pictures!
Posted by Jennifer 0 comments