Since Thanksgiving we have had a visitor at our house. The Elf on the Shelf! He is a tradition we started a few years back for Taylor. He comes out at Thanksgiving and leaves on Christmas Eve. His purpose is to sit around our house and each night he reports to Santa what he has observed.(Good or bad) Each morning he is in a different spot and the kids have to find him. They are not allowed to touch him or he loses his magic. Anyways, Taylor was older when we first got him but the twins are a perfect age for this...It is amazing how well he has helped me out this month...He moves to the playroom when it needs watch and see that everyone does their share. He is just great! I just want to keep him out year round. Of course Maddie had a bad day and told me she "was done with him" he needed to leave! So I guess tonight his job will be done and he will report to Santa for the last time. See ya next year Elf~ Merry Christmas~
***Thanks Christy I borrowed your picture**
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Goodbye Elf on the Shelf
Posted by Jennifer 0 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Christmas Party!
Today the girls had their Christmas party at school. They had been sick yesterday...but I didn't want them to miss out. They made crafts and got lots of goodies. Here are a few pictures...enjoy!
Posted by Jennifer 1 comments
Friday, December 12, 2008
My Angels~
The girls preschool had a Christmas program the other night. They were so cute singing their songs. Madison and Ashley were the last minute they ran short of donkeys for the play. They asked the girls to switch and be donkeys...Ashley and Maddie quickly told them no!!! They were going to be princesses (i don't know where princesses fit in with the Christmas program) but they thought that because she wore a crown/halo.
Posted by Jennifer 0 comments
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Tonight we took the girls to see Santa. It is amazing the difference a year makes. Last year Peyton(my brother's daughter) cried and was frightened of Santa. Madison was on the verge of tears and would not talk to him. Now this year... Peyton went running up to him, as all three girls jumped on his lap. Santa then asked the girls what they wanted for Christmas....Ashley would not hush...she went on and on listing every toy in the toy store. Peyton and Madison hardly had a chance to respond. Needless to say everyone in line was ready for us to go.
Posted by Jennifer 1 comments
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Christmas lights....Colored or Clear?

Posted by Jennifer 2 comments
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Fall Feast!
Posted by Jennifer 0 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
The countdown to 30!
Posted by Jennifer 2 comments
Saturday, November 8, 2008
*** Update***
Taylor's team WON THE CHAMPIONSHIP! It was a great game and wonderful ending to the season. The girls played with all their heart and won by a score of 11-10. This was Taylor's last game in this league. Next season she has to move up to the 10 and under league! WAY TO GO WILDCATS!
Posted by Jennifer 1 comments
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Keep your fingers crossed~
Taylor's softball team is officially in the championship tournament. They played last night and won 4-1. This secured them a spot in the final two! The BIG game is Friday night.....Keep your fingers crossed!!
Posted by Jennifer 2 comments
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Happy Halloween!
The girls had a wonderful time last night "trick-or-treating"! Ashly dressed up as princess Belle...Madison was Ariel and Taylor was Gabriella.(from the High school musical) Madison started off the night running to each house keeping up with Taylor and her friends....but after seeing a few "monsters" she slowed down and stayed right with us. Ashley...(little miss Pris pot) was too busy making friends along the way to stop at every house. She had to compliment every little girl dressed up. Taylor was all about getting as much candy as possible...and trust me we got plenty!
This is Jon and our neighbor..haha...I couldn't help but post this picture....too funny!
Posted by Jennifer 0 comments
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Birthday Taylor!
Posted by Jennifer 0 comments
Monday, October 20, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Game Ball
Posted by Jennifer 1 comments
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Making Up For Lost Time!
I admit, I have been really slack at blogging. We have been so busy I have not even taken the time to sit down and blog. I promise I will get better! Needless to say the girls have had a lot of fun things going on that I would like to talk about.
First, I must start out by bragging on Taylor. This past week she got her first report card this year as a third grader. Much to our surprise she brought home straight A's. (Well I guess we weren't too surprised...she takes after her mother.. haha)This is the first year they really get letter grades and follow a traditional grading scale. We are so very proud of her!

The girls also had the opportunity of going to Disney on ice this past weekend. They had a blast! That is all they have talked about this week. Nana and Papa got them tickets and took them. Madison and Ashley enjoyed dressing up in their favorite princess dress. Taylor went to a birthday party at Libby Lou earlier that day. There she got her hair fixed and LOTS of makeup! So all three were dressed up and ready to go! I forgot it was on ice....and didn't pack I think they froze for most of the show. Brrrr~ Anyways, they had a great time!

Posted by Jennifer 1 comments
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Surprise Pappy!!!
Tonight we had a party to celebrate Pappy (Jon's dad's) birthday. It was a surprise, which the kids really enjoyed. We all screamed HAPPY BIRTHDAY as he walked in the door. After that we ate two delicious cakes. Oh yeah...and we all wore our favorite sports attire. We had a great time. Happy Birthday Pappy!!
Posted by Jennifer 0 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
Take Me Out To The Ball Game~
Softball has officially started back! Tonight was the first game of the season. Taylor is playing for the Wildcats! This will be her 4th season playing, and 2nd season at first base. This will keep us busy EVERY weekend for the next two months. However, we all really enjoy it. Tonight Taylor was up to bat three times and scored on all three! Too bad the team couldn't pull off a win. They had fun and I guess that's what counts.(to the kids at least)~ We will try again on Saturday!
Posted by Jennifer 0 comments
Friday, September 12, 2008
TGIF!!! (pause the music at the bottom) too funny!
Posted by Jennifer 0 comments
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Happy 21st Birthday Aunt Lindsey

Posted by Jennifer 0 comments
Thursday, September 4, 2008
First Week of Preschool~
This was the first week of school for Madison & Ashley. They are going to Pleasant Plains Preschool on Tuesdays and Thursdays. So far the week has been GREAT! They love their teacher's Mrs. Jennifer and Mrs. Mary. I love peeking in on them and just watching them play. Ashley seems to be more social, meeting lots of new friends. Madison does her own thing and just yells at Ashley for ignoring her! This morning she made Ashley "promise to play with her." It is so fun to watch their different personalities as they grow into sweet little girls. I am looking forward to a wonderful year ahead!
Posted by Jennifer 0 comments
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Bling Bling....Ashley and Maddie have earrings!
Monday was a exciting day for Madison and Ashley. We went shopping and thanks to aunt Ali she talked me into getting the girls ears pierced! I explained to them that it would hurt ~ but by that point Madison already had her mind made she was "getting those purple earrings." I have to say the girls did GREAT! Not even a single tear! Ashley got pink earrings and Madison got purple. This will help everyone tell them least for the next 6 weeks!
Madison-L Ashley-R
Posted by Jennifer 0 comments
Labor Day Weekend!!
This past weekend we decided to go to Charleston to visit Zak and Alison. We stayed busy the entire weekend. When we got there Friday night, Zak and Ali had already been to the store to pick up the girls some "entertainment goodies". They had markers, crayons, coloring books and a new movie! It was like Christmas in August! Saturday we all wanted to go to the beach. The girls have not been all Summer. We left early and got a great spot on Folly beach. The girls LOVED the ocean. Lucky for them, so did Zak and Ali. (Jon and I aren't too big at getting in the ocean) They played for hours. Well at least until Zak got stung by a jellyfish. After that we decided to just go back and hang out by the pool.
Sunday we thought we would just do it all over again. We got up, went to the beach but it was soooo windy we left after an hour. Once again we decided on the pool. Sunday night we went and played a competitive game of putt putt. (Zak was the big winner)
Monday was our last day. Jon, Taylor and Zak got up at 6:30 to go fishing. They caught some BIG fish. Meanwhile, Alison and I took the girls shopping. Ashley and Madison had an exciting experience. (It is "so" exciting I am going to post it in a following blog). We finally left late Monday~ very exhausted. We had a great time!
Posted by Jennifer 1 comments
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Where does the time go?
Okay so I am having a moment...I just woke up and realized my baby girl is growing up so fast!
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
Posted by Jennifer 0 comments